The Gap

Dear Friends,

My apologies for my silence. The summer turned into something I was not expecting.  I was riding and clinic-ing and showing and loving it all.  I then, by accident, ran across a dream job opportunity.  It required me to uproot and move to a different state, put my riding on pause, and make my focus this new career.  I was willing to make the change for what I thought was a dream.  Once I got there and got into it I realized it was not the opportunity that I was expecting.  I was able to come home and get myself reset.  Thankfully my trainer had a stall and was happy to welcome Tosh and I back.

This is the abbreviated version of what happened this spring and summer.   Fuller details include going to my first rated show and getting scores of 72.9% and 73% in Training 2 and Training 3 in the POURING rain.  Big pats and lots of cookies for my super game horse.  I had a few clinics with my trainers trainer who pushed us out of our comfort zone and into better places with our training.  He has an uncanny ability to really pick on those areas you have been trying to tip toe around.

I am bummed that I lost the summer as my showing momentum was just picking up and Tosh and I are learning more and getting better with each ride.  I do not regret taking the chance and I know that he enjoyed his 3 month vacation.  The gap showed me that what is important to me now is focusing on my horse and our progress and seeing what we can do.  So that is my plan.  This winter is for all the training and homework I can fit in around the weather.  I plan to come out strong in the spring and really push myself forward so we can progress with quality.  I plan on chatting with my trainer to set out realistic, attainable goals.  Prix St George was mentioned during a clinic last weekend but only time will tell what this adventure will bring and where it will end up.

Tosh really enjoyed his vacation time with lots of turnout and a friend!


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